Leaks are an eventuality waiting to happen in and around a pond/fish pond. Identifying fish ponds leaks and repairing them can be a thankless task, especially if there is no leak to be found, so first you need to find out the leak. Are you having difficulty finding that leak. Water levels keep dropping? With a 25 year history of success our fish pond liners.
Pond Pro 2000 is your answer. It is a 100% liquid EPDM and 100% compatable to your EPDM liner sold in pond supply stores. It works extremely well on all non-porous concrete fountains as well as EPDM fishponds liners. Reflecting pools are another good application for EPDM. These are demanding applications where the unique properties of EPDM Coatings have a distinct advantage over other products. To give you an idea of just how durable of a product PondPro 2000 take a look at a few of its
• Pond pro will withstand temperatures from -62 to 350F
• One Coat application. No Primer is needed
• Easy Application- A true do-it-yourself product
• Waterproofs immediately upon application.
• It has proven itself superior to Acrylics, Urethanes and other elastomers for up to 3 times longer