Owing house always give pleasure and comes with several advantages. Aside from this wonderful feeling of having a house you don’t need to worry about paying the rent and you are free to do as you please with it. Well it is very important to main the original look of your house, this will require your time and a bit of money. A lot of beautiful homes have been lost after incurring irreparable damage due to neglect. The more common forms of time-related problems are issues with the roof, plumbing and cracks in the walls. There usually come out roof leaks and wall cracks, due to storms, earth quacks, rain etc. For preventing from these roof leaks you need to examine your roof after every season. If you find any type of crack or leak you can use roof repairing products like liquid roof and liquid rubber. You can use a single coat of liquid rubber through spray, brush or roller and it’s a water proof membrane that is most effective for the rainy seasons. It will retain walls, planter boxes, between slab, tanking & foundation protection. The first step in repairing cracks in walls of plaster is clearing them up and making sure dust and loose chunks of plaster are cleaned out. Then you can use any wall cracks repairing product. So this type of small repair can make your house stand long and will not result to a BIG maintenance.